I tried dgVoodoo with my CD-ROM retail copy install of Panzers Phase 1 a few years back, although the game works fine with Windows 8.1 the BIK video intro was just a blank screen with only the audio, but with dgVoodoo placed in the Run folder all is working again perfectly. I love the options for old video card emulation, one being the Geforce4 Ti 4800, I still have a fully working Geforce4 Ti 4600 in my old PC and I also remember the old Voodoo cards. Yes I'm old.
It's certainly a nice little wrapper tool for older Glide, DirectX, DOS and OpenGL games on newer computers but it does not work for all old games sadly.
That's classified information.
And if someone was to tell you it would not be much of a secret now would it! 
And a very nice little mod it is too!
Good to hear from you Nightgambler.
Is there any chance you could reconsider finishing the project please SubSilver?
This is tragic news SubSilver, but I completely understand your decision to cancel the project.
Such a shame!
I'm licking my lips with anticipation! 
Hello Nightgambler, I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank you and Panther2 for
the creation of Berlin45 mod, in my opinion one of the greatest mods ever!
Nice to see you back in the Codename Panzers community! 
Congrats on the new mod SubSilver! this was an unexpected surprise.
I have to say this is a very nice alternate version of Nightgambler's already superb Phase 2½ mod.
Very enjoyable, well done sir!
Zitat von SubSilver im Beitrag #1
Yes, head of panzers is still alive!

I'm glad to hear it SubSilver!

Keep up the good work.
Panther2, I don't suppose you would happen to have nightgambler's Achsen-Kampagne in your map collection?
That would be awesome sir!
Hi TankCommander
Nightgambler and I was a team and together we have created the Berlin45 mod, I also have his maps and the campagne "Panzers Phase Two & 1/2" of him still in my archive!
Nothing is lost !!!
That's it! that's the one! Nightgambler's Achsen-Kampagne aka Codename Panzers Phase 2½ Mod. 
When I tried to download this a few years back the link was dead.
Thank you very much Panther2, awesome!
Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming! 
Panther2, I don't suppose you would happen to have nightgambler's Achsen-Kampagne in your map collection?
That would be awesome sir!
Excellent work Panther2, thank you.
Hope to hear more from you.
So happy I've got this mod back after I lost it, that'll teach me to backup my files more often.
Thanks SubSilver you've saved me from a lifetime of self-loathing.
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