Hi, Tripel XXX
It is a pleasure to see your new ideas and models again.
I confess to be your number one fan. (With permission from the other).
The horch is lovely. As always, you bring something new and beautiful. 
Greetings from Spain.
I'm going to try again. I'll tell you the results.
Thank, Al.
Hi, Al Capone. It is a pleasure to greet you again.
The problem is that when I open the model "IS2" with the editor hexagesimal, only this linked
to one effect to shot: muzzle-fire>tank.fx. And the effect tank.fx dont have sound.
I tried adding sound to IS2 (mono and Mp3)
I have also tried adding sound to "tank.fx" effect.
But I must be doing something wrong with the hexagesimal editor. it does not work.
The simplest solution is to add the sound to "tank.fx."
If you handle the hexagesimal Editor well, maybe you can get it.
Thank you for showing interest in the problem.
I need help.
I have a problem that I do not know how to resolve.
The SOUND of the shot in the model "IS2"does not work.
I have tried everything, but I do not manage to solve it.
I also have tried to add sound to the effect "muzzle-fire>; tank. fx", but I do not
achieve that it sounds.
This matter is driving me crazy.
If you could send to me the effect "tank. fx" with sound it would be the solution.
The map "Rush for Berlin VI: Final Assault" is detained due to this.
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