- New Units
- Realistic Settings
- Realistic Unit Description
- Added Missing Descriptions
- Realistic Armor, Fire rate, Damage, Health, Sight, Ammo Settings
- New Skins
- New Models
- New Sounds
- over 100 Scenario Maps
- over 190 Multiplayer Maps (including Phase One Maps)
- over 170 Domination Maps
The good News are: All new units/models, replacing existing Berlin45 models which means, you can use them in any map for B45 out there, no remaping with adding the new units, they will allready be there, this is gonna feel like a new game!
Copy into "Phase Two" / "Run" and start "[...]Mod.exe
Special thanks to:
Panther 2 & Nightgambler: For all the work
PantherG: HD Models
Unkown: RfB Models
Coming soon...